

My friend is always talking about being a failure because her marriage did not last. Well try being gay and not getting a woman to commit to you or even want to. Try dating someone for years and for nothing to come of it. At least she can divorce, at least there is some sign or show that someone once cared. She has a sheet of paper that it ended at least. I am left holding my own hand and trying to keep my heart from breaking. Try loving someone who is obsessed with their sister and who is a habitual liar and terribly immature and still loving them. Try that. Try trying to be good to someone and possibly what they need, their one time reliable love and they still do not want you. Try listening to someone tell you they finally know you care because you show pain or hurt when things go awry. Then try listening to someone who you love never defend you or honor you and hides you. Try that.

I am not going to try again. Homosexual relationships are just too hard on my heart. Try fighting all the time about an ex for once that I do not love intimately. Try finally getting to a place where my heart can love one woman and it still not being good enough. Failing, my friend does not know shit about it.

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